Building APIs on the JVM Using Kotlin and Spark – Part 1
In this two-part blog series, we’ll explain why the JVM provides a strong basis on which to run your APIs, and how to simplify their construction using a framework called Spark and a new programming...
View ArticleUsing Spark to Create APIs in Java
Perhaps the singular most important choice an API developer can make is one of programming language and architecture. Choosing how an API will communicate with consumers, how security will be...
View ArticleBuilding APIs on the JVM Using Kotlin and Spark – Part 2
If you are building APIs or microservices on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), you owe it to yourself to check out the micro-framework Spark. This tiny toolkit is designed after a similar Ruby framework...
View ArticleUsing Spark to Create APIs in Scala
In our previous piece, we discussed the strengths of the Java Language within the Spark framework, highlighting the ways Java Spark increases simplicity, encourages good design, and allows for ease of...
View ArticleeBook Released: Programming APIs with the Spark Web Framework
We’re excited to announce the release of a mini development guide Programming APIs With the Spark Web Framework. Learn how to master Spark, a free open source micro framework that can be used to...
View ArticleBuilding a REST API in Java and Scala Using Play Framework – Part 1
In this two part series we explore Play Framework, and see how it can be used for rapidly developing RESTful APIs. In part one, we introduce Play, covering the main design decisions behind its...
View Article12+ Frameworks to Build ChatOps Bots
Since GitHub integrated ChatOps into their operational strata, the concept has garnered a good deal of excitement. Essentially, ChatOps moves system operations into a group chat room, enabling...
View Article10+ Frameworks For Building Web Applications In Clojure
Clojure is a powerful language, but as with any language, its true power comes through extensibility. The ability to plug in additional modules and open up functionality is key to the proper...
View Article8 Frameworks to Build A Web API In Scala
Scala is a powerful language that has quickly become a favorite among many developers. A language, however, is just a starting point — not every function is going to be covered by the language core....
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